erasmia primary school

Erasmia Primary School is an English medium Government School in Pretoria offering holistic education from Grade R – Grade 7.

The school is over 100 years old and boasts a high standard of education that promotes high moral values , self-discipline and promotes positive self- image which enables each learner to reach their full potential.

At Erasmia Primary School our priority is to develop a love of learning, inspired by quality teaching by building and developing upon all our individual talents. We work tirelessly to ensure that our learners enjoy a stimulating and diverse education.

Our school motto, “Aim High” resonates this message as everything we do as a school is to ensure that our learners achieve their very best and we are deeply aware that children only get one chance at their primary education. It is therefore our job to ensure that they all reach for the highest levels of personal achievement and development. We want every child to be successful; to reach for success from the very first day they join us so when they leave us, they have a love for life-long learning. 

At Erasmia Primary we value respect above all else. Developing respect for ourselves, each other, and our environment, embracing our differences and celebrating individuality.

R – Responsibility – to take care of ourselves, others, and our environment

E – Empathy – We understand what others are feeling and show care for others

S – Self-belief – Having confidence in ourselves

P – Positivity – Even when things get tough, we shine and achieve extraordinary things

E – Enthusiasm – When we do something we do it with all our might

C – Co-operation – Working together with kindness and patience to get something done

T – Tolerance – Accepting and showing respect, regardless of our similarities and differences

years of experience
Numbers of Educators
our happy learners
Smart Classrooms

Notice Board

School term dates 2025

  • Term 1: 15 January to 28 March.
  • Term 2: 8 April to 27 June.
  • Term 3: 22 July to 3 October.
  • Term 4: 13 October to 10 December
Movie night 2025


Currently no vacancies.


Vacancies at EPS