Erasmia Primary School strives to provide balanced and holistic education to every learner. We know that every child has their own set of unique talents and abilities, and our cultural programme aims to bring this to the fore by exposing learners to various forms of non-academic but highly beneficial endeavors. We pride ourselves on our co-curricular and extra-curricular school activities geared at enhancing creativity, innovation and logic, and fostering good emotional intelligence and social skills such as co-operation and teamwork, self-confidence, problem-solving, respect and tolerance. Some of these events include the Spelling Bee, speech and poetry festivals, concerts, special day celebrations and subject-specific events. Learners thoroughly enjoy participating in these events and this goes a long way in helping create and ensure that our students become well-rounded, productive members of society.      

Foundation Phase Poetry Festival Winners

Intermediate Phase Speech Festival Winners

Grade 6 Mathematics Cluster Olympiad

Grade 6 Natural Sciences & Technology Cluster Olympiad

World Reading Aloud day